Use "venerate|venerated|venerates|venerating" in a sentence

1. 13 They venerate the old man's memory.

2. 12 And love, young men, and venerate the ideal.

3. 5 Most Italians venerate the name of Dante.

4. African ibis venerated by ancient Egyptians.

5. 15 People really love and venerate the Americans.

6. 1 My father venerated General Eisenhower.

7. 14 They came to venerate him as a symbolic figure.

8. Send me news that I may come and... venerate him.

9. Blessed definition is - held in reverence : venerated

10. 6 In most countries old people are venerated.

11. Let us bend before the venerated sepulcher.

12. 2 Robert Burns is Scotland's most venerated poet.

13. What does a Catholic encyclopedia admit may be the result of venerating Mary?

14. 7 Jerusalem is Christianity's most venerated place.

15. 11 I venerate the memory of my grandfather(Horace Walpole.

16. It grew on a venerable and venerated family tree.

17. 16 To crush fanaticism to venerate the infinite, such is the law.

18. 18 We were taught to venerate the glorious example of our heroes and martyrs.

19. 17 Some venerate Kord , god of strength , or Pelor, god of the sun.

20. 3 These children are venerated as holy beings.

21. Synonyms for Cherishing include treasuring, appreciating, esteeming, prizing, relishing, revering, valuing, venerating, admiring and adoring

22. Antonyms for Contemning include honoring, honouring, respecting, admiring, approving, liking, loving, revering, valuing and venerating

23. Moreover, Mary is venerated by many millions of people.

24. 5 The monk was subsequently venerated as a saint.

25. 4 The monk was subsequently venerated as a saint.

26. The Cote - d'Or produces some of France's most venerated wines.

27. All of these practices, though some may seem strange today, were ways of venerating the dead.

28. 19 Ataturk died in 19 but he still is widely venerated.

29. Antonyms for Contemn include honor, honour, respect, admire, approve, like, love, revere, value and venerate

30. Thus, they came to be venerated as patron deities of sailors.

31. (2 Corinthians 4:4) So when venerating an image, one is actually serving the interests of the demons.

32. 21 Ataturk died in 19 but he is still widely venerated in Turkey.

33. What does Crone mean? A woman who is venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom

34. 27 She has appeared with messages and prophesies and is venerated throughout the world.

35. Antonyms for Contemned include blessed, holy, sacred, divine, hallowed, sanctified, consecrated, venerated, beatified and revered

36. Any bones that remained were scattered in the ocean, so they could not be venerated.

37. Temple of Heracles, who was one of the most venerated deities in the ancient Akragas.

38. Five Bodhisattvas are historically venerated in Tibetan Buddhism – Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, Tara, Vajrapani, and Samantabhadra

39. Arethusa, shown here on a Syracusan coin, was widely venerated in Greece and Sicily

40. Its first abbess, the royal princess Hild, was later venerated as a saint.

41. The Akita is perhaps the most renowned and venerated of the native Japanese breeds

42. Synonyms for Consecrated include blessed, blest, consecrate, hallowed, holy, sacral, sacred, sacrosanct, sanctified and venerated

43. Antonyms for Chastened include proud, honoured, honored, esteemed, venerated, dignified, unabashed, unashamed, shameless and unembarrassed

44. 30 The good thing is he is the kind of person I respect or more specifically, venerate.

45. He's a venerated Cree elder and has counted coup on hundreds of his enemies.

46. Spindly Austin 7's of the'20 s are venerated like doddering old aunties.

47. At first the priest said that he himself just venerated the images; he did not worship them.

48. Chthonic figures in Greek mythology included Hades and Persephone, the rulers of the Underworld, and the various heroes venerated after death; even Zeus, the king of the sky, had earthly associations and was venerated as Zeus Chthonius.

49. 5 Living amid people who venerated many gods posed a formidable challenge for the Jewish exiles.

50. Horses were venerated in Norse mythology, a custom brought to Iceland by the country's earliest settlers.

51. 20 Mr Ellsworth is... a Man much respected for his integrity, and venerated for his abilities.

52. Today, Einstein is venerated as an intellectual colossus who bestrode the 20th century like no other.

53. 56 synonyms for Admire: respect, value, prize, honoured, praise, appreciate, esteem, approve of, revere, venerate, big up, take your hat off to

54. 26 The cultural concept of venerating sheep is multiple and complex. It can' t be separated from alchemist, ghost, celestial being and the other traditional culture.

55. 25 Secondly, why has a similar process not occurred in the case of other venerated images?

56. Others of the name (Broccan, Bracan, Brogan) and of the sixtgh or seventh century are venerated on Jan

57. 29 Tis the season of the dead: from Halloween to All Saint's Day, when traditionally Christian societies venerate those who have passed on.

58. 9 The affair was venerated by later revolutionaries as the opening round in their battle against the autocracy.

59. Perhaps today, Bibliomania does not feel like an irrational behaviour, as books have become less venerated and libraries rarer

60. There is a Hindu festival called Nag Panchami each year on which day snakes are venerated and prayed to.

61. 23 The idea of a place for the dying, so close to a venerated Hindu shrine, upset the temple priests.

62. 30 The cultural concept of venerating sheep is various and complicated. It has countless ties with the traditional culture such as alchemist, ghost, celestial being stories.

63. 24 Mary came to Alexandria in the hope of earning her fare to Jerusalem, where she wished to venerate the true Cross.

64. She is the patron saint of Ecuador and venerated at the La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús in Quito.

65. 28 Much is known about Bath, where the hot springs were almost certainly venerated in the pre-Roman Iron Age.

66. In the belief that “saints” can bestow special power on believers, millions venerate them by using relics or by invoking them as intercessors.

67. 8 In museum culture the original physical artefact is venerated at the expense of a replica, duplicate, reconstruction,[] or hologram.

68. 26 The saintly Vicar of Keyingham, Philip of Beverley, who did much for local clergy, was venerated as a saint.

69. 14 The saintly Vicar of Keyingham, Philip of Beverley, who did much for local clergy, was venerated as a saint.

70. When relics or bodily remains of a “saint” are found, these are venerated in the belief that power issues forth from them.

71. 10 My sister and I continue to be venerated by our people, who built shrines and declared national holidays in our honor.

72. I am Cuppa, a Novel translator who is currently translating: 'Two-Faced Venerate Emperor, Give Me A Hug' (TFVE) TFVE synopsis could be found here

73. 22 Three other officials of the Old Kingdom came to be venerated as gods because they had been wise, good and successful.

74. Some years later, when Sophia's parents, the upwardly mobile Trenchards move to the fashionable Belgravia, they find themselves rubbing shoulders with the venerated Brockenhursts

75. Years later, when the humble Trenchards (Tamsin Greig and Philip Glenister) move to Belgravia, they find themselves mixing with the venerated Brockenhursts (Harriet …

76. However, many theologians at the Sorbonne considered the church’s venerated doctrines to be more important than an accurate reading of the Bible itself.

77. That they spat upon the Cross, exchanged obscene kisses, held secret meetings, adored a cat, practiced sodomy, venerated some bearded male head.

78. Saints are usually Canonized by the synod of bishops within a particular autocephalous church, but sometimes saints come to be popularly venerated without official canonization

79. 584 – 679), commonly called Saint Amand, was a bishop of Tongeren-Maastricht and one of the great Christian missionaries of Flanders.He is venerated as a …

80. Historians have noted that the tombs of the rabbis were venerated in much the same way as were the tombs of prophets and patriarchs.